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Can you hire Zack?

Yes, you can!
I'm always looking for opportunities.

What's next?

Written and Directed by Michael Towers - I'm playing the dad. 

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The first theatrical production I performed in was The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter (Weird place to start). I alternated playing both characters, Ben and Gus. My parents showed up EXTREMELY nervous to see their son potentially make a theater-geek-fool of himself. But (thankfully) to their surprise I guess I didn't... Or they lied really well.

That's not to say all of the words that came out of my mouth nor the pauses I took were written by Pinter, but I had clearly found a place in the world, and they took a deep breath.

After finding success on the stage in high school (big deal), I auditioned for the BFA Acting program at The University of Connecticut. In the audition, I was told I had "no idea what acting is." and that not going to the gym consistently was "a metaphor for my life." I was then admitted to the program on the spot, so I guess they were light on applicants.

Throughout my journey at UConn, Theatre Academy of London, (and the gym) I managed to figure out what acting is to me: storytelling.

Aside from my most compelling and acclaimed performance at school (according to my professors) being a chicken in a cockfight during animal work in my movement class, I managed to score competing offers from 4 agents in New York and I signed with Carson-Adler Agency.

Auditioning in Manhattan had its ups and downs, so I took a moment to look at my idols. All of whom had forged their own paths to success, either through creating short films, web series, or stand-up routines. Basically just doing it themselves.

So, here I am. Doing it myself.

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©2022 by Zack Dictakis.

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